Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and Data Analysis
Build your knowledge of OSINT Tools and Techniques
Understand the role of OSINT
Develop an understanding of how OSINT can enhance your work
Learn the different types of Open Source Intelligence
Gain a strong understanding of the different types of OSINT
Learn how to use key OSINT Tools
Learn essentials of Excel, Power BI, Python, and SQL and put them into practice
Upgrade your Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and Data Analysis skills!
The course covers essential OSINT and Data Analysis topics including Fundamentals of Information Gathering, OSINT Tools and Technologies, Advanced Search Techniques, and Analyzing and Validating OSINT Data.
This course also delivers practical training in Excel, Power BI, Python and SQL.
Delivered via our Learning Management System, acgcs.online
Available on demand
Accessible on any device
Modules include
Understanding OSINT
Fundamentals of Information Gathering
OSINT Tools and Technologies
Advanced Search Techniques
Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT)
Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT)
Web Intelligence (WEBINT)
Cyber Intelligence (CYBINT)
Excel Graphs and Functions
Power BI
Looking to purchase for your organization? Enterprise pricing is available.
Option 1 - Certificate of Completion
Study at your own pace
Accessible via online LMS, acgcs.online
Certificate of Completion issued
Approx. USD $220